Sunday, September 16, 2007

Add Maths Chap 1: Simultaneous Equations

1.1 Simultaneous Linear Equations in two unknowns

When solving two linear equations, you will obtain one x value and a corresponding y value. You can choose to use either the elimination or substitution method.

1.2 Simultaneous Linear and non-linear equations in two unknowns

When you have one linear and one non-linear equation, you will obtain two x values and two corresponding y values. In graphical terms, the line (linear eqn) intersects the quadratic curve (non-linear eqn) at two points. Therefore you will obtain 2 coordinates values. You will have to use the substitution method to solve the simultaneous eqns.

1.3 Determinant, Inverse Matrix and simultaneous eqns
(Leaving this out until the end)

Pls ask any questions regarding this chap by leaving a comment. Thanks.

1 comment:

Munch said...

Simultaneous equations can also involve indices where you are required to simplify the indices to compare the powers or the bases to obtain two simultaneous eqns and then solve it using either the elimination or substitution method.